1. Oliver Twist rose from the table, bowl in hand, said, " Please, sir, I want some more. " (Oliver Twist. 奥利弗·特维斯脱站了起来,手里拿着碗,说道:“先生,请你再给我添一点。”
2. On May 15th of 1829, in the Susquehanna river near Harmony Pennsylvania , Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized by John the Baptist. They were also ordained to the Aaronic priesthood. 1829年5月15日约瑟。斯密和奥利佛。考德里在宾夕法尼亚州。哈茂耐附近的苏克含纳河边。接受天使。施洗者约翰。亚伦圣职的按立。
3. On May 15th of 1829, in the Susquehanna river near Harmony Pennsylvania , Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized by John the Baptist. They were also ordained to the Aaronic priesthood. 1829年5月15日约瑟。斯密和奥利佛。考德里在宾夕法尼亚州。哈茂耐附近的苏克含纳河边。接受天使。施洗者约翰。亚伦圣职的按立。
4. What if the cupbearer had remembered Joseph when he was re-instated two years previously?What might have happened to Joseph? 酒政大约在两年前获释,假如他当时记念约瑟,为他求情,约瑟出狱之后会怎么样呢?
5. And when Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him. 约瑟的哥哥们见父亲死了,就说,或者约瑟怀恨我们,照着我们从前待他一切的恶足足地报复我们。
Ariadne Oliver 侦探小说家奥立弗太太;
dorr oLiver 其型式有道尔 奥利弗;
a Roland for an Oliver all square counterbalance nip and tuck 势均力敌;
a Roland for an Oliver 势均力敌;
a Roland for an Oliver all square counterbalance nip and tuck 势均力敌;