1. Business contract, as a legal document, bears intensive legibility in meaning with formal style and distinct formulation in structure. 商务合同是一种严肃的法律公文,具有文体正式、词准确明晰、式化的结构和表达等特点。
2. On the other hand, some people argue that log statements pollute source code and decrease legibility. (We believe that the contrary is true). 另一方面,一些人认为日志语句会生成源代码,从而降低可读性。(我们认为恰恰相反)。
3. For a good book, its design is not only a matter of aesthetics or artistic style, but also makes it necessary to scientifically study its legibility. 一本好的书籍,就书籍设计而言,不仅是审美或艺术风格的问题,更要从书籍的易读性上加以科学的研究。
1. distinctness that makes perception easy
2. writing (print or handwriting) that can be easily read