1. Lensman. E. E. "Doc" Smith. Classic space opera with pure-as-Boy-Scout heroes and unrelentingly evil bad guys. 经典的太空歌剧,讲述了男童子军般纯朴的英雄和无情的邪恶坏蛋为潮湿行星的“世界末日装置”的控制而战斗。
2. Mei's father is a famous lensman and he intended to impart the skill of 梅的父亲是个资深的摄影家,在梅幼年时,他就想将自己的摄影技术传授给天资聪明感受力好的爱女。
3. Lensman. E. E. "Doc" Smith. Classic space opera with pure-as-Boy-Scout heroes and unrelentingly evil bad guys fighting for control of planet-squishing "doomsday devices. " 透镜人》(科幻)——E。E。·史密斯“博士”经典的太空歌剧,讲述了男童子军般纯朴的英雄和无情的邪恶坏蛋为潮湿行星的“世界末日装置”的控制而战斗。
1. someone who takes photographs professionally