1. Torus (pl. tori) A disk-shaped structure formed from lignified primary cell-wall material on the middle lamella of a bordered pit. 位于具缘纹孔中间层,由木质化的初生壁形成的一个盘状结构。
2. Sclerenchyma The main supporting tissue in plants, made up of cells with heavily thickened, often lignified, walls and empty lumina. 由细胞壁极度加厚,通常木质化的死细胞组成,是植物体内的一种主要支持组织,通常具有简单纹孔。
3. Tracheids have heavily lignified walls and the only connection between adjacent tracheids is through paired pits, which are mainly concentrated in the end walls. 管胞的细胞壁高度木质化,相邻管胞之间的仅有的连接通过集中位于端壁的成对存在的纹孔。
1. made hard like wood as the result of the deposition of lignin in the cell walls