1. Watching a deputy neat to be on the floor tiles on the dry couplets, thinking they will have to be beaming people posted on the lintel. 看着一副副整整齐齐放在地砖上待干的春联,想着它们将要被喜气洋洋的人们张贴在门楣。
2. One boy stood with his back to the camera , leaning stooped against a gate lintel , and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized . 一个青年背对照相机站着,弯身靠在门楣上,在抓着门柱的手的手指上戴有一枚她认识的戒指。
3. A stone in the facade carries the Gospel passages pertinent to the grotto, while the word "Gethsemane, " carved on the lintel, reminds us of the original name of the place. 正面石头上的福音章节与此穴洞有关,「革责玛尼」被雕刻在门楣上,提醒我们这地方最初的名字。
1. horizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door or window