1. If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation . 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。
2. The center appears to be under the direct control of first secretary of the Tibet Party and a President loyalist . 这个中心看起来受西藏党委第一书记的直接控制,他是主席的亲信。
3. Another Likud loyalist has become "minister without portfolio responsible for improving the government's services to the citizen". 而另一个位利库德的忠诚分子已经成为了“负责提高政府机构对公民服务的不管部部长”。
1. a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt)