1. Microprocessortemperaturecontroller. Light alarm indicates over temperature, low water-jacket level or high water-jacket level. Heating will be ceased when low water-jacket level occurs.

2. The saw blade has square teeth and 4 or 6 hard alloy shaving knives, and is suitable for cutting dry soft or hard lumber with burls longitudinally lumber. It is of high quality.

3. If I promise to deliver a carload of lumber and the buyer promises to pay me a certain price, and I do not deliver the lumber, I have "breached" my contract.

4. Use antisepsis, mothproof and dried square lumber to raise it and no concrete near the square lumber.

5. There is a built-in database of design properties for structural composite lumber, solid sawn lumber, glulams, I-joists, tube steel, composite flitch beams and wide flange steel.

内含数据库包结构合成的各种杂料的设计属性,锯木材, 胶合板,I型托梁,钢管和宽凸的钢。