1. The day was cool and rather lustreless; the first note of autumn had been struck. 这天天气阴凉,光线暗淡,秋色已开始来临。
2. Palpitation, lustreless, complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth prints, thready, weak or intermittent pulse. 心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。
3. His face, with its straight, fine nose, would have been handsome, but for the thick, compressed, continually twitching lips and the lustreless, staring, and frowning eyes. 他有一张长着秀气而笔直的鼻梁的脸,如果他的不停翻动的嘴唇不那么薄不闭得那么紧,眼睛不浑浊、阴沉、呆滞,那末,他那张脸定是很美的。
1. lacking brilliance or vitality
2. lacking luster or shine