1. This emotional expression is a critical element in Lyrical dance. 这个感情的抒发是抒情舞的一个重要元素。
2. Five years ago, when he received the National Book Award for his lyrical novel, "Waiting, " Ha Jin became the first winner to thank the English language. 五年前,当哈金凭借他的情感深刻的小说《等待》获得美国国家图书奖时,他成为第一位感谢英语的获奖者。
3. The ultimate result is a bright, lyrical tapestry of color with shapes loosely defined by a heavy line breaking or fading against shifting planes of color as it approximates contour. 最终的结果是一种明亮、抒情的彩色挂毯,其松散的形状是通过厚重的线条来打破或减弱近似轮廓的变幻不动的色块来确定的。
1. suitable for or suggestive of singing
2. expressing deep personal emotion