1. Object To identify Magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia. 目的对厚朴和滇藏木兰进行鉴别。
2. Object To identify Magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia. 目的对厚朴和滇藏木兰进行鉴别。
3. Mississippi is The Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state. 密西西比州别名木兰花州。它是以生长在炎热南部州,拥有大而美丽的白色花朵的树的名字命名的。
4. Mississippi is The Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state. 密西西比州别名木兰花州。它是以生长在炎热南部州,拥有大而美丽的白色花朵的树的名字命名的。
5. Native to China, the bark of Magnolia is being researched as an agent against amoebic dysentery. 在中国,厚朴一直被用来治疗阿米巴痢疾。
bark of official magnolia cortex magnoliae officinalis magnolia bark 厚朴;
bark of official magnolia cortex magnoliae officinalis magnolia bark 厚朴;
fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;
fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;
fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;