1. The Romans ②are famous for their marvellously exotic cuisine that included for instance stuffed door mouse preserved with honey. 罗马人以他们别具异国情调的绝妙菜肴闻名于世,例如用蜂蜜保存的填鼠。
2. Email is a marvellously economical tool for keeping in touch with far-flung commecial contacts; you can send them a note at your leisure, 24 hours a day. 就与相隔遥远的商界熟人保持联系而言,电子邮件可谓一种极其经济的工具;一天24小时里,你可在任何方便的时候给他们发邮件。
3. E-mail is a marvellously economical tool for keeping in touch with far-flung commercial contacts; you can send them a note at your leisure, 24 hours a day. 就与相隔遥远的商界熟人保持联系而言,电子邮件可谓一种极其经济的工具;一天24小时里,你可在任何方便的时候给他们发邮件。
1. (used as an intensifier) extremely well
marvellously 不平凡地;
God thundereth marvellously with his voice 祂行大事,我们不能知晓。;