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    1. TYPE : Reverse Acting with bevel Gear, Direct Acting, Direct Acting with Handwheel, Double Acting, Tandem Piston, Reverse Acting, Reverse Acting with Handwheel.
    2. TYPE : Reverse Acting with bevel Gear, Direct Acting, Direct Acting with Handwheel, Double Acting, Tandem Piston, Reverse Acting, Reverse Acting with Handwheel.
    3. TYPE : Reverse Acting with bevel Gear, Direct Acting, Direct Acting with Handwheel, Double Acting, Tandem Piston, Reverse Acting, Reverse Acting with Handwheel.
    4. Acting officials were inexistent in late Han Dynasty, but such titles as Acting assistant or Acting Minister remained and changed to normal officials.
    5. Mike: And the acting in your favorite show is better? Those stars might look great, but their acting is lousy.


    Test method for damping capacity of metallic damping materials - Torsion pendulum method and Flexural resonance method
    金属阻尼材料阻尼本领试验方法 扭摆法和弯曲共振法;
    Test method for damping capacity of metallic damping materials - Torsion pendulum method and Flexural resonance method
    金属阻尼材料阻尼本领试验方法 扭摆法和弯曲共振法;
    Accommodated Network Study of OFQ Acting on Cellular Immunity of Spleen Deficiency Syndrome
    下一篇论文: 脾虚证孤啡肽细胞免疫调节网络机制研究;
    演技; 代理的; 执行的,代理的; 表演;
    acting force
    作用力; 织力;
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