1. Diners survived the Great Depression of the nineteen thirties. Americans who did not have jobs often ate at diners because the meals were low-priced. 餐车幸免于在二十世纪三十年代的美国大萧条。没有工作的美国人经常是到餐车吃饭,因为这里就餐比较便宜。
2. She was a woman in the middle thirties, broad-shouldered, square-faced, and inclined to be stout; 她是一个三十多岁的女人,宽肩方脸,有一些矮胖;
3. "That was an especially beautiful sunny day, " recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties. “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米·米切尔回忆道。他30出头,五官轮廓分明。
4. Theosophy became after the thirties a shadow of the former mind-swaying movement. 三十年代以后,见神论成了以前思想动摇的运动的一个影子。
5. We are targeting young buyers in their thirties. 的目标消费者是三十几岁的年轻人。