1. Catch maximum business opportunity in the field mindfully. 在行业领域内,最大限度的去争取业务机会;
2. Both pointing out shortcomings and responding to them should be done mindfully. 无论是指出错误还是相应的反应都需要带有觉知。
3. Great king, virtues should be known by associating through out a long time mindfully and that too by someone who attends wisely, not in a hurry. 八大王!彼之戒依于共住而且非短时,依长时而非不思惟、依思惟而非无智、应依有智慧而得知。
1. in a careful deliberate manner
mindfully 记住;
Keep on opening new customers mindfully for future business development 持续的开发新的客户以配合公司未来业务的增长;