1. Just learned it. ) You are not a misanthrope, are you, Daddy? 刚刚学的)长腿叔叔,你不是一个厌世者吧?
2. No matter how much of a misanthrope you are there is such a thing as entropy and it will catch up with you sooner or later. 不论你是一个多么不愿意与人交往的人,你迟早会被成千上百万条的信息包围。
3. He produced his first play in 321 BC, and in 316 BC he won a prize with Dyscolus ("The Misanthrope"), the only one of his plays for which a complete text still exists. 他在西元前321年创作了第一部戏剧,西元前316年赢得酒神节奖(〈愤世嫉俗〉),这是他唯一完好保存下来的剧本。