1. Just as his initial Messianic polling numbers were misleadingly optimistic, his problems should now be put into context. 他最初救世主级别般的高民意支持率乐观得多少有些不真实,同理,奥巴马现在的困难也得视情况而论。
2. The Chinese that I have met are mostly programmers or engineers, so I probably have a misleadingly narrow view of Chinese people. 我遇到的中国人大都是程序员或工程师,因此我对中国人民的视野可能过于狭窄,有误导之嫌。
3. Speech is then seen as a pale reflection of writing, and its grammar and vocabulary is judged, misleadingly, by the standards of written expression. 而口语则被看作是书面语言的一种苍白无力的反映,并且口语语法和词汇的是非也被错误地依据书面表达的标准来判断。