1. First we'll have coffee at a motorway restaurant at 11 o'clock. 第一次是在11点钟,我们在高速公路边小餐馆里喝咖啡。
2. A homemade banner, made of sheets, hangs over the main motorway in Reykjavik, tied to the railings of a bridge. 一条用被单自制的横幅悬在雷克雅未克高速公路主干道上,系在一座桥的栏杆上。
3. The car was taken away for inspection by police and the parking lot outside the motorway restaurant was cordoned off, witnesses said. “为了进一步检查,轿车被拉回警察局;同时,高速公路上餐馆外面的停车场被封锁了,”目击者说。
1. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic