1. Calico and Mull: calico and mull are used for testing either a part or the whole of a pattern. This is then referred to as a toile. 印花布和细软布:它们是用来检验样板的一个部分或整个样板是否合身。我们把它们的成品称为样衣。
2. Take some time to mull over these questions do some soul-searching and then if you think you have what it takes go for it. 花点时间想想这些问题,不妨进行深刻的自我反省。假如你还是认为自己具备创业所需的条件,那么就放手去干吧。
3. Take some time to mull over these questions do some soul-searching and then if you think you have what it takes go for it. 花点时间想想这些问题,不妨进行深刻的自我反省。假如你还是认为自己具备创业所需的条件,那么就放手去干吧。
4. Take some time to mull over these questions do some soul-searching and then if you think you have what it takes go for it. 花点时间想想这些问题,不妨进行深刻的自我反省。假如你还是认为自己具备创业所需的条件,那么就放手去干吧。
5. The manager needs time to mull over our proposals. 经理需要时间来审慎考虑我们的提案。