1. the mutineer, indeed, died under the doctor's knife, and Hunter, do what we could, never recovered consciousness in this world. 的确,那海盗最终死在了大夫的手术刀下;至于亨特,尽管我们想尽了一切办法,他终于还是没有再苏醒过来。
2. the mutineer, indeed, died under the doctor's knife, and Hunter, do what we could, never recovered consciousness in this world. 那个海盗最终死于医生的刀下。尽管我们已经竭尽全力,亨特还是没能苏醒过来。
3. As he marched down the line, a mutineer suddenly shouted, "Now's your time, boys, " aimed a gun squarely at Burr's chest and fired. 他在排列成行的士兵面前走过,一名叛兵突然大叫:「各位兄弟,现在不动手,更待何时!」
1. someone who is openly rebellious and refuses to obey authorities (especially seamen or soldiers)