1. "The harmonious campus" is refers to campus interior each kind of essential factor to be at one kind to depend on each other mutually the condition which, the intercoordination, promotes mutually. “和谐校园”则是指校园内部各种要素处于一种相互依存、相互协调、相互促进的状态。创建和谐校园就是把学校建设成最适宜学生成长发展的“生态系统”,它要有正确的指导思想和科学方式方法。
2. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. 组织与其合作伙伴是相互依赖的,互利的合作关系增强彼此创造价值的能力。
3. If I may rephrase that, I'll say the deal is mutually beneficial. 如果我可以换种说法,那我会说这笔交易对双方都有好处。
4. The more copious life's social behaviors are, the more likely they are to be subverted into mutually beneficial interactions. 生物的社会行为越丰富,就越有可能暗地打破界线,达到互惠互利互相影响的目的。
5. The workshop will help strengthen the good-neighborly and mutually beneficial strategic partnership. (It will play a active role. 这次研讨会,对于加强两国间睦邻友好,互惠互利的战略伙伴关系将发挥积极作用。