1. It enveloped the story in a fog of mystification. 笼罩这个问题的迷雾挥之不去。
2. She began asking questions so brusquely and giving orders so decisively Pork's eyebrows went up in mystification. 她一开口便突如起来提出问题,并果断发布命令。波克翻着眼睛手足无措了。
3. Barnard says the basis of Christie's success is "the way she structures her books on a pattern of progressive mystification and progressive enlightenment". 巴纳德认为,克里斯蒂成功的基础在于“她构思小说是以逐渐神秘莫测而后又逐渐柳暗花明的方式”。
1. confusion resulting from failure to understand
2. something designed to mystify or bewilder
3. the activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered