1. Recently, the use of narcotic beverage operations rampant crime. 近来利用麻醉饮料犯罪的行动相当猖獗。
2. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. 任何形式的瘾都是不好的,不管上瘾的是酒精、吗啡还是唯心主义。(荣格)
3. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. 任何形式的瘾都是不好的,无论上瘾的是酒精、吗啡还是唯心主义。
1. a drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use c
2. of or relating to or designating narcotics
3. inducing stupor or narcosis
4. inducing mental lethargy