1. "NOBLESSE" stands for a high quality lifestyle with the fashion element, the top exquisite craft and the pursuit of natural simplicity. “诺贝劳士·NOBLESSE”代表追求质感与品位的生活方式,是简洁、大方、实用的现代衣着与优雅风格的完美结合。
2. You can see Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack offer up a couple of billion dollars apiece as acts of noblesse oblige. 当然,高盛首席执行长布兰克费恩和摩根士丹利首席执行长麦晋桁可以每人拿出数十亿美元,显示一点高姿态。
3. Through its exceptional editorial and marketing, NOBLESSE introduces and promotes a vigorous community in China that embraces luxury and first-class living. 通过专业的编辑和有效的市场推广,Noblesse也正在推动这个朝气蓬勃、追求顶级生活享受的阶层的成长。
1. the state of being of noble birth
2. members of the nobility (especially of the French nobility)