1. English idiom is a form of language with coloring, it is concise, vivid, harmonious and offhanded. 英语习语是富于色彩的语言形式,它言简意赅,形象生动,音韵和谐,琅琅上口。
2. Trust is as difficult a coin to earn and it is easily lost - the trust built over a decade can be shattered in an instant by one offhanded remark or deed. 信任就像一个钱币很难争取到,也很容易失去-超过十年所建立的信任,能在短短一刹那,被一件小事或粗心的言语所破灭。
1. with little or no preparation or forethought
2. casually thoughtless or inconsiderate adv.
1. without previous thought or preparation
2. in a casually inconsiderate manner