1. The soybean oil massively uses in boiling no matter what with manufacture oleomargarine. 大豆油大量用于烹任和制造人造奶油。
2. Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter. 人造奶油和人造黄油质量好的话,营养成份高价格低的脂,可代替乳炼黄油。
3. Other examples are: the fat of meats, bone-marrow, suet (the best found around the loin and kidneys of the beef creature), cocoanut butter, butterine, and oleomargarine. 其它例子:肉类脂肪、骨髓、板油(牛腰板处最好的脂),可可豆、黄油、人造奶油、人造黄油。
1. a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter