1. Soon there were also flagstones beneath his shambling feet, uneven, fractured stone that nonetheless caught the light of the lantern-sphere with strange opalescence. 很快,在他的步履蹒跚的脚下,就出现了石板路,这些石头坑坑洼洼,处处断裂,在他手里水晶球的照射下,现出奇怪的乳白色光亮。
2. Clinically affected teeth have a dark amber opalescence. The teeth undergo much attrition at an early age, as the enamel fractures away from the imperfectly formed underlying dentin. 临床上,受影响的牙齿呈现琥珀乳白色,牙齿在早期时就容易磨损,牙釉质从发育不良的牙本质表面上脱落。
1. the visual property of something having a milky brightness and a play of colors from the surface