1. The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals, but gives a sign. 居住在德尔斐的神谕既不说话也不隐藏,而是给出一个标记。
2. One of the standard ORACLE data types. A RAW column can contain data in any form, including binary. 一种标准的oracle数据类型,一个raw''。'列'。''能包含任何形式的数据,包括二进制数据。
3. One of the standard ORACLE data types. A RAW column can contain data in any form, including binary. 一种标准的oracle数据类型,一个raw列能包含任何形式的数据,包括二进制数据。
1. an authoritative person who divines the future
2. a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infall
3. a shrine where an oracular god is consulted