1. The effects of light on degradation of chlorotetracycline (CTC) and oxytetmcyline(OTC) in chicken feces was studied, and the degradation velocity of CTC and OTC was determined by HPLC. 采用高效液相色谱法,研究了不同光照条件对鸡粪中土霉毒(OTC)和金霉素(CTC)降解动态的影响。
2. Alcor Micro Corp. , an OTC approved listing company (8054) is an equal opportunity employer, offers competitive salaries as well as an excellent benefits packag. 安国国际科技股份有限公司为一股票上柜公司(8054),并提供每一位员工一个公平的竞争环境,优渥的薪资与福利制度。
3. In the case of some cosmetic labeling the plastic bottle after direct into the bottle, otc and nondrainage shall apply to bulkheads between or around elblow and transfer it to sales. 如国内一些化妆品客户,其贴标后的塑料瓶体直接放入包装箱,瓶体间不放任何隔板或填充物,然后运往各地销售。
4. As politicians push the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives onto clearinghouses and exchanges, it has a chance to get bigger still. 随着政客欲将场外交易(OTC)衍生品交易纳入结算所和交易所,CME有望进一步做大。
5. As politicians push the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives onto clearinghouses and exchanges, it has a chance to get bigger still. 随着政客们欲将场外交易市场中衍生性金融商品的贸易纳入票据交换所和商业交易所中,芝加哥商业交易所将更上一层楼。
Zhenshiming OTC Eyedrop Brand Building Research 上一篇论文: 珍视明OTC滴眼液品牌建设研究;