1. I pray you, " answered the minister, "if thou hast any means of pacifying the child, do it forthwith! “我恳求你了,”牧师回答说,“如果你有什么办法能让这孩子安静下来,赶紧拿出来吧!
2. Initially disturbed that his method of pacifying a chimpanzee had been applied to humans, Fulton later became a cautious proponent of psychosurgery. 傅尔顿一开始觉得很不安,因为他用来安抚黑猩猩的做法,却给用在人身上;
3. I asked her colleague and classmate Djanga what she was doing. He explained that the milk dance (my terminology) was a traditional Mongolian ritual for pacifying severe weather. 我问她的同事兼同学江嘎,德吉到底是在做什么。江嘎解释说,这种“牛奶舞”(我的叫法)是蒙古族一种禳除天灾的传统仪式。
1. freeing from fear and anxiety
pacifying 抚慰;
Pacifying Your 心安神宁;
soul pacifying ritual 超渡仪式 文康体育;
pacifying the jittery mood of his people 安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪;