2. The Asian side was occupied by the Persians, the Medes, and the Assyrians; the Euro-pean side was occupied by the Greeks and Romans. 亚洲—侧被波斯人、米堤亚人和亚述人占据着,欧洲—侧则由希腊人和罗马人占据。
3. I am working at the Department of Euro-pean Affairs, MOFA, as a volunteer, and am interested in knowing about your own professional challenges? 我对于您在英国外交部的工作非常有兴趣,由于本人目前在台湾外交部欧洲司担任外交志工,可不可以谈谈您的工作的挑战呢?
1. (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
2. a formal expression of praise