1. The longan repairs the brains, this type of beverage, be: Peerless beverage. 龙眼补脑汁,这一种饮料,就是:盖世无双的饮料。
2. If the dress is an extravagant feast, then a handbag in hand must be soul of it, so that the peerless feast is delicate and gorgeous. 如果说正装是一场豪奢的盛宴,那么手边这款箱包必是点睛的松露与番红花,让这绝世珍馐丰富而绚烂。
3. For you, as a trooper, they are the highest example of faith, and to be a full adherent to the Imperial Creed you should follow their peerless lead. 对于你,一个士兵来说,政委就是信仰的最高象征;同样地,想要成为帝国信条的忠实拥护者,你就应当服从政委出类拔萃的领导。