1. What's more, the penny-pinching has nothing much to do with the fact that Britain is skint. 更要紧的是,这吝啬基本不是因为英国真的是个穷光蛋。
2. That's changing now, as Chinese demand slows at the same time that consumers world-wide start penny-pinching. 但现在情况发生了变化,在全球消费者开始节衣缩食的同时,中国的需求也开始放缓。
3. This latest outbreak of unseemly penny-pinching is symptomatic of a governmental tin ear when it comes to the armed forces. 近期这一连串不体面的吝啬举动充分表明政府对军队漠不关心。
1. extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
2. giving or spending with reluctance