1. In determining the question whether or not an appeal would be rendered nugatory, the court must of course first have regard to the nature of the order that is the subject matter of the appeal. 即是说法庭会考虑的问题会包括:如果不暂缓执行,会否使上诉变得没有意义。例如,付了钱给对方,但上诉成功之时,对方已没有能力还钱。
2. The appeal was heard before the Court of Appeal which held that BL 121 did not confine the meaning of "rateable value" to the meaning contained in the Rating Ordinance. 上诉法庭经聆讯后裁定,《基本法》第121条中“应课差饷租值”的含意,不仅限于该词在《差饷条例》中的意义。
3. The supervision of counter appeal after ravishment still face challenges: the mediation and execution are free of the supervision of counter appeal; 新法实施后抗诉监督面临的问题主要有:调解活动脱离于抗诉监督;
4. An administrative appeal is filed against non-administrative action or other cases which are beyond the scope of administrative appeal remediless according to other Acts. 八对于非行政处分或其他依法不属诉愿救济范围内之事项提起诉愿者。
5. The type of the rank relationship of court not only directly decides the function of the trial of appeal, hot also affects the rate of appeal and court authority. 法院层级关系的类型直接决定了上诉审的功能定位,亦直接影响到了案件的上诉率及法院判决的权威。
appeal appeal to 上诉;
appeal appeal to call on 呼吁;
lodge an appeal file an appeal 提出上诉;
appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober appeal from drunk to Philip sober 请求复审;
Appeal of Tribunal decisions to Court of Appeal on points of law and penalty 可对审裁处的裁决,就法律观点及所判惩罚向上诉法庭上诉;