1. There are many other ancient buildings such as the Roman Theatre, the Roman Forum, the Catacombs and the People's Piazza. 罗马的古迹随处可见。罗马剧场、罗马广场、地下陵墓、人民广场等都是不可不去的地方。
2. The above photo is the Piazza, the participants can sit at the staircase, which face to Victoria Harbour, to enjoy the video. 图为文化中心露天广场实景,参加人士可坐在长楼梯并面向维多利亚海港欣赏视频。
3. The latest evidence of this truth has been gathered by Sabrina Lee of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and Stephen Piazza at Pennsylvania State University. 这一事实的最新证据由温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学的塞布丽娜。李和宾夕法尼亚州立大学的史蒂芬。皮埃查搜集。