1. Rank-and-file Republican politicians are terrified that any pigheadedness on the part of the president could lead to a bloodbath in 2008. 普通的共和党政客们害怕,现任总统的任何愚蠢顽固的行为可能使该党在2008年的总统选举中血本无归。
2. The party of George Bush, they contend, favours teaching creationism, denies that mankind is broiling the planet and blocks medical research out of religious pigheadedness. 乔治·布什这一派系,一直鼓吹上帝创造学说否认宇宙是炽热的星球并阻碍那些宗教信仰以外的医学研究。
3. The whims of Roman Abramovich, the pigheadedness of Tom Hicks and the predatory stalking of Alisher Usmanov are in danger of giving the Glazer family a good name, if only by default. 反复无常的阿布,固执愚蠢的希克斯和贪得无厌的乌斯马诺夫看来要让格拉泽家族得到一个好名声了。
1. resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires