1. I think I like the striped tie better than the plaid one. 我想我喜欢那条带条纹的领带胜过那条带格子花纹的。
2. Susan took the basket; also she borrowed Betsy's bonnet and little plaid shawl. I saw her hurrying down to the harbour. 苏珊拿了篮子,向贝齐借了无边小圆软帽和小彩格呢披肩。我看见她急急忙忙地赶往港口。
3. Think of a cherry red bag worn with a black and white glen plaid, or the richness of brown leather against navy herring bone. 想一想,穿黑白格子呢的衣服,配一只樱桃红的包,或者褐色皮包的华美与深蓝色的人字呢衣服相配形成的反差。