1. Joshua Kaye, a Los Angeles podiatrist, describes what happens to the feet in high-heeled platform shoes. 洛杉矶足病医生约书亚·卡耶(JoshuaKaye)描述了厚底坡跟鞋对脚部的影响。
2. My podiatrist, a tower of a man who wears disconcertingly orange clogs with his blue surgical jump suit eased me into his wonderful world. 我的脚科医生是一个像高塔一样的男人,他穿着令人不安的橘黄色木底鞋,身上是蓝色的手术服,就这样带我轻松的走进他的神奇世界。
3. The study is led by a former military doctor now at Boston Medical Center, a podiatrist and podiatric surgeon by the name of Dr. Vicki Driver. 这项研究由波士顿医疗中心的足病医生和足病外科专家薇琦。得来维尔主持,她从前的工作是一名军医。