1. The New Testament is a polemic book almost from beginning to end. 新约是一本争辨的书,几乎是从头开始,一直到结束为止。
2. The Moscow Games in 1980 had the same political scrutiny, controversy and polemic, and it was a very good Games. 1980年的莫斯科奥运会遇到同样的政治审查,引起同样的争议和争论,但那是一届非常成功的奥运会。
3. In the end, polemic dulls this film, leaving it oddly insubstantial—its characters too little developed for us to care. 最终,这些争论使得影片失索然无味,剩下的只有怪诞虚幻的人物——片中单调的角色使得我们难以给予过多的关注。
1. a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)
2. a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma) adj.
1. of or involving dispute or controversy