1. When I first became seriously interested in the study of Chinese history and culture in the 1940s, the Chinese historical mind happened to be cast in a positivistic and anti-traditionalistic mold. 我开始对研究中国历史和文化发生深厚兴趣是在一九四○年代,当时中国史观正处于一个反传统的模式。
2. Nietzsche's philosophy of science is neither the part of the "old" positivistic, logical-linguistic, analytic styles nor the part of the "new" historical, hermeneutic styles. 尼采的科学哲学既不属于“旧的”实证主义的、逻辑语言学的、分析的形式,也不属于“新的”历史的、解释学的形式。
3. I think that my positivistic teachers felt that philosophy should be like science and it should all be a matter of observation and verification as to whether something goes this way or that. 我想我的那些实证主义的老师们觉得哲学应该想科学那样,哲学应该完全是一桩观察和证实的事儿,看看某个东西是这么走还是那么走。