1. In the other a younger woman perches precariously on a tall stool, neon lights flashing around her. 另一家门口一个年轻女子摇摇欲坠地坐在一个高凳子上,旁边都是眩目的霓虹灯。
2. On a police stake-out, the action will only ever take place when food is being consumed and scalding hot coffees are perched precariously on the dashboard. 警方在车内埋伏监视的时候,一定会在警员吃东西吃到一半的时候,忽然刚好需要开始行动,而且滚烫的咖啡,会刚好危险地放在仪表板上。
3. The handsome young islander balances precariously on top of a skinny matchstick tower that seems to thrust forever from jungle clearing up into blue, blue sky. 丛林的空地上搭着一座高耸入云的细塔;在塔尖上,这位英俊的当地小伙子小心地保持着平衡。