1. Using a limited form of precognition, zealots can even predict enemy movements striking, with deadly accuracy and dodging attacks by inches. 使用预知的一个有限的形式,狂热者甚至可以预知敌人精确致命的进攻动作,并在千钧一发时闪开攻击。
2. Using a limited form of precognition, zealots can even predict enemy movements striking, with deadly accuracy and dodging attack***y inches. 狂热者还会运用他们有限的预知能力判断敌人的移动和攻击,从而给予致命的精确的近距离攻击。
3. In the same way, a shield prudence power gives you an insight bonus to AC, which does not stack with the insight bonus you get from a combat precognition power. 同样地,“谨慎之盾”可以给你的AC带来洞察加值,该加值就无法与“战斗预感”所带来的洞察加值相互累加。