1. I go out in the early morning and there is such silence that even breath is a profanation. 一大早我便走到屋外,雪后的世界是如此静谧,即使是最轻微的呼吸也会破坏这周遭的宁静。
2. For my sake, for my own sake, I do this; why should I suffer profanation? My glory I will not give to another. 为了我自己,为了我自己的缘故,我必要去行。我岂能让我的名字受亵渎?我决不将我的光荣让与别人。
3. There is a kind of pleasure which comes from sacrilege or the profanation of the objects offered us for worship. 有一种快乐来自于对我们应该膜拜的对象的冒犯和亵渎。
1. blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character
2. degradation of something worthy of respect; cheapening