1. The euro zone's governments must find ways to impose good behaviour long before the profligacy becomes acute. 欧元区政府必须寻求在政府肆意挥霍现形以前就强制她们向善的方法。
2. Owning up to the geopolitical implications will be as painful for the rich nations as paying the domestic price for the profligacy. 对富裕国家来说,坦然承认地缘政治意义,和为肆意挥霍付出国内代价一样痛苦。
3. China's overall surplus and America's overall deficit have less to do with the value of the yuan than with Chinese saving and American profligacy . 中国的全部顺差和美国的全部逆差同(人民币)元的价值的关联性要小于同中国人储蓄和美国人挥霍的关联性。
1. the trait of spending extravagantly
2. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure