1. Carnegie Mellon University has even published a study that calls the technology inefficient and cost-prohibitive. 卡内基梅隆大学,甚至发表了一份研究报告,要求的技术效率低下,成本过高。
2. A higher tariff wall, which, however, is not prohibitive, will produce the same kind of results as this, but merely to a smaller degree. 就算关税壁垒不是完全禁止性的,仍然会产生同样的结果,只不过损害程度小一些而已。
3. The cost of operating an automobile has become prohibitive for some people in the United States -- especially students and others with limited means . 对有些住在美国的人来说,尤其是对学生和收入不多的人来说,私人汽车费用已经高得使人不敢问津。
1. tending to discourage (especially of prices)