1. 4On that day the prophets will be ashamed of their prophetical visions and no longer wear a prophet's garment of hair in order to deceive. 到那一天,每个假先知,在他说妙语时,必因自己的神视感到羞惭;他们必不再穿毛外氅,去行欺骗;
2. It also has Messianic significance, for the Apostle Paul quotes verse 18 as referring to Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven (prophetical interpretation). 它也有弥赛亚的意义,因为使徒保罗引用其中的第十八节,指耶稣基督升天的事(预言的解释)。
3. Psalm 87 may have had an historical background, such as the favour Israel received by other nations in Hezekiah's day (2 Chronicles 32:23), but the main interpretation of this psalm is prophetical. 第八七篇是有历史背景的,例如以色列人在希西家统治的时代得到其他国家的帮助(代下32:23),但是这一诗篇的主要解释是预言性的。
1. foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention
prophetical 预言的;
And we have the more firm prophetical word 因此,我们认定先知的话更为确实,对这话你们当十分留神,就如留神在暗中发光的灯,直到天亮,晨星在你们的心中升起的时候。;