1. The " Eastern " Mark Twain can be delicate to the point of prudery. “东部的”马克?吐温竟可以严谨到一本正经的程度。
2. In some cultures it is not prudery that leads them to discourage men from looking at pornography. 在有些文化中,导致她们阻止男人接受色情文学并不值得大惊小怪。
3. Unfortunately, because of prudery and general historical ignorance, these epidemiological basics had been widely forgotten when AIDS made its appearance in the 1980's. 不幸的是,由于人们对历史假装的和普遍的无知,当爱滋病在上世纪80年代露头的时候,这些流行病学要素一度被忘得一干而净。