1. Short of such radicalism, we must approach the task in a more subtle manner. 缺乏这样的激进做法,我们就必须以比较微妙的方式来解决问题。
2. A useful move would be to make a greater effort to extinguish some of the fires of radicalism, such as the conflicts over Palestine and Kashmir. 一次有力的行动将会大大打击极端主义的气焰,就如处理巴勒斯坦和喀什米尔的冲突那样。
3. Pray for Gods glory to fill Karamay, pop. 248, 673, an oil production center in the Kazakh area of northern Xinjiang, which is a region of Islamic radicalism. 克拉玛依人口248,673人,位于新疆北部哈萨克自治州,是石油生产中心,也是伊斯兰教激进份子活动地区,愿神得著此城。
1. the political orientation of those who favor revolutionary change in government and society