1. Joey: Oh, like you've never gotten a little rambunctious with Ross. 乔:哦,好像你就从来不对罗斯做点粗暴的小动作似的。
2. In May Kuwait made headlines when for the first time four women were elected to parliament, a genuinely rambunctious institution. 今年五月,当首次由四名妇女当选为议员的科威特,制作了一条头条新闻,“无法无天的机构”果然是实至名归。
3. Only in 'adult-only' spaces might they shop, dine, or swim without being drowned out by wailing infants or rammed into by rambunctious toddlers. 在“只有成年人”的世界里,他们享受购物、进餐或者游泳,而不必被啼哭的婴儿或蹒跚学步的孩子打扰。
1. noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline