1. What she was still too new to sense was that this rapaciousness was born not of optimism but desperation. 她还没有认识到,这种贪婪并不是与生俱来的乐观,而是绝望。
2. European contact with Africa can best be summed up as decades of naked rapaciousness followed by a spectacularly unsuccessful attempt to make amends. 对欧洲与非洲关系的最佳概括可能是:长达几十年赤裸裸的掠夺,然后是极不成功的修补尝试。
3. The popular image of John is of a classically bad king: a scheming, untrustworthy coward consumed by greed, whose rapaciousness drove his subjects to impose their will upon him. 而约翰在人们心目中的普遍形象就是一个昏君:诡计多端,利令智昏的懦夫,其贪心之甚终导致群起而攻之。
1. extreme gluttony
2. an excessive desire for wealth (usually in large amounts)