1. The party itself is better known for loyalty than rebelliousness. 党员们各个也是忠心耿耿,寻衅滋事者更是鲜见。
2. Despite his rebelliousness, he is still known as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche and revered by the Buddhist community. 尽管有着叛逆性,但在佛教界,他还是以丹僧·宇色仁波切之名为人所熟知。
3. It was, therefore, not only in burst of youthful rebelliousness that I found the luxurious social life at home not to my liking. 我不喜欢家庭奢靡的社交生活,这不单在于青年人的桀骜不驯。
1. intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude
2. an insubordinate act